Monday, January 28, 2013

W3D1: Victory

Most of you probably remember back to your school days when you were given a 'fit test' in physical education class. In my case, it was given twice per year. I remember the dread that filled my body when I heard it announced. There were sit-ups and push-ups and chin-ups. But there was one thing that scared me more than all of those combined: the one-mile run. See, I had childhood asthma and not only was my physical fitness level a deterrent, so was my asthma. I remember the feeling of my lungs clenching up, struggling for air, almost blacking out at times because I couldn't breathe. It's a scary feeling for a kid! And while I'm sure that my fitness level, or lack thereof, had a lot to do with my fear of the fit test, I think my asthma and fear of not being able to breathe sheathed me in a mental chain so strong it's taken all these years to overcome it. I've never wanted to push myself to the point of an asthma attack, so anytime I had running on the list I just took it slow and did more run/walk than anything. Of course there were body pains while running, but most of my fear was unfounded. It was all in my head.

So today after our workout, my partner and I headed out to the track to do a little cardio. We'd already decided to go to a night time Zumba class so we weren't really aiming to push ourselves. I honestly just wanted to see how many laps I could do. The most I've ever run continuously was 1.5 laps so I figured I might go for 2.5. I don't know what happened, but I consider it nothing short of miraculous. There in the hot Guam sun, I ran four full laps....without stopping. That's one mile. I had just completed the dreaded one-mile run! I sat down on the bleachers, amazed. What just happened? I remember along the way thinking about the contestants on the Biggest Loser. If those people(some weighing over 400 lbs) can do a 5k, I could do this one mile. And then I heard my partner cheering and running towards me with a huge smile on her face. Holy crap. I really did do that! I wasn't dreaming!! And better, I wasn't dying!! I felt good, not too winded. So she came and sat next to me and gave me a big hug and that's when the tears started flowing. I had been released from my mental chain. The fear of the one-mile run had vanished. And then two other workout buddies joined us and celebrated with me. More tears ensued.

Every day it seems there is some new milestone right around the bend. Whether it be a heavier lift, a longer distance, or a smaller measurement. I awake each day looking forward to whatever victory it holds for me. Of course it wasn't always this way, but I find the better care you take of yourself, the more positive your attitude becomes. And the more positive your attitude, the more change you will see. Free yourself of your mental chains. Conquer your fears head-on. Live your life, don't let it live you.

W3D1 Operation: Unleash the MILF

A.M. Workout Duration 34:08
Calories burned: 380

P.M. Workout Duration 58:59
Calories burned: 796


  1. That is awesome! The feeling you had at the finish must have put you on top of the world!! Way to go! Love hearing the new goals you are conquering!
