Wednesday, January 23, 2013

W2D1: Mean Girls

I was never the 'popular' kid in school. Hell, I was lucky if one of the popular kids asked me for an answer on a test. I also was not your typical high school beauty. Looking back, I've never really thought of myself as beautiful, or pretty, but I guess that's in the eye of the beholder. I didn't play on a winning sports team. I didn't make straight A's. Boys never asked me on dates and I went to my senior prom stag(dork!). I was picked on for my size, called fat, ugly, you name it. But I had one thing that all of the girls and boys who picked on me didn't. My gift was in my song. I used to sing...a lot. I like to think I was pretty good at it. I made all-state choir all through high school, sang in the honors chorus, entertained the crowd at various events and even sang the National Anthem a handful of times. My song was pretty much all that got me through high school. It was the only reason I woke up in the morning and went to school. It was the only reason I kept my grades at the 'average' level instead of failing, so that I could participate in these different singing groups. I played in the band, too, but singing...singing was special. In that block of time I was the 'cool' kid. The one that knew how to do things with my voice that others around me did not. The one who was sought after to stand on the 50-yard line and sing America, The Beautiful right after 9/11. My weaknesses were many, but I had this one strength.

As I've grown older and matured, I've found that these so-called 'mean girls' still exist. People are downright cruel. They will take any chance they can to poke fun at you, hit you when you're down, talk shit behind your back and make you feel like the dirt on the ground. This has been true in every facet of my life that I have been passionate about. It's like the minute I care about something, someone is there just waiting to bring me down. I'm not saying I'm an angel by any means, or that I don't love a good joke or to poke fun at my friends, but there is a difference in having a good laugh and having that laugh at someone else's expense. I remember back when I first started this journey, the sneers on people's faces as I told them I was going to run a 5k or maybe try weightlifting. I'm not sure what changed in me that I started NOT listening to their snide remarks, but I closed off my ears. And in that, I set my mind, heart, and body free. So I'm going to leave you with a song I found that has inspired me recently. Just as I sang in school, I sing in my car every.single.morning. And LOUDLY! All the while saying a little bit of thanks to those mean girls that have teased, tortured and humiliated me.

W2D1 Operation: Unleash the MILF
Workout Duration: 52:43
Calories Burned: 469
*Squat jumps with pulses are THE DEVIL. Owwww!

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