Thursday, February 21, 2013

W6D4: Changes On The Horizon

I've been thinking a lot since my last post. Thinking of ways to make controlling my eating more manageable. One way is by opting out of a cheat day all together. That doesn't sound like much fun. ;) But, let's face bad meal can lead to another, and another, and...well, you get the point. However, I really look forward to my cheat meal at the end of the week. I know everyone says not to reward yourself with food but it's nice to know I can work hard all week on my eating and my training and then just completely let go for one meal and eat something I've really missed. Another idea that sort of plays into this is having your weigh-ins on Monday so that you're more accountable over the weekend. That means not allowing yourself to binge over those two days because your cheat meal turned into a cheat weekend. I've always done my weigh-ins on Monday but I think what will be helpful to me is to have my cheat meal on Monday after my weigh-in and measurements have been taken. It has to be one meal. It has to be breakfast or lunch, not dinner. Basically, I am trying to trick myself into not enjoying it quite as much. Case in point, I am a really big Italian food lover. This is usually what my cheat meals consist of. Nothing like sitting down to a huge plate of lasagna and garlic bread for dinner, right? I am hoping that if I make that not an option, there will be less room for error and also less room in my stomach. ;) I will then have the rest of the week to work this meal off AND have to be accountable over the weekend for my next weigh-in. This sounds like a good idea to me. Am I crazy? Am I overthinking it? Probably, but you do what you gotta do...for you. What is right for me is not necessarily right for the next person. And if I could say one thing about this journey, it has been a hell of a lot of trial and error. I hope this new plan will keep things moving in the right direction, but if not, my brain is already formulating other plans for success!

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