Monday, February 18, 2013

W6D2: Fall Down Once, Get Up Twice

My last post talked about how I was struggling to come to grips with the number on the scale not changing even though my measurements and body fat were. Even through writing out my feelings, it was not release enough to keep me out of a downward spiral over the weekend. I had my normal cheat meal on Friday, but that one meal turned into an entire weekend of cheats. Needless to say, I was in no hurry to check my numbers yesterday. So I didn't. I told my partner I knew what the numbers were going to say and that I'd been too chicken shit to even step on the scale.

So this morning, I got up. I put on my brave face and stepped on the scale. Gained a pound. With a heavy heart I stepped off and grabbed my body fat monitor. Gained .5%, exactly what I'd lost last week. My heavy heart was now accompanied by a loud sigh. Standing there in front of the bathroom mirror, I looked myself up and down and could only feel anger. There was no guilt. We all mess up. But I was angry that I could't stop myself from messing up before it happened. How can I be so in control of my training but not of my eating?

As I pulled on my gym clothes I reassured myself that I was not going to let these numbers get the best of me. That I would let them make me even more determined to be 'on it' all week long. I AM going to see results and I AM going to feel good about the decisions I make. I will NOT allow myself to wallow and I will NOT allow myself to feel guilty. I am going into this week thankful that I have the ability to train hard and to make good decisions from here on out. Tightening the noose, if you will. I will still have my one cheat meal a week, but I absolutely will not set myself back like this again. I have six and a half weeks left of Operation: Unleash the MILF and I want to get my money's worth!

Also, since this is week six, we are moving into training 5 days per week instead of 4. For my partner and I, this not only means changes to the schedule, but changes to when/how we work out. I am not going to be able to do any workouts on the weekend, so I'm forced into a M-F routine that accommodates my Zumba classes because....let's face it...I reeeeeeaaaally like Zumba. ;) This means that I'll be going to Zumba two mornings a week, resting for an hour and fueling up, and then training afterward. If I went straight to training from Zumba, I would not be able to lift with the needed intensity. The good news is that I will have already done my cardio beforehand. I will also continue with my regular M/W/F training days. My partner, on the other hand, is trying her hand at training first thing, then finishing up with the second half of Zumba class. She will still join me on M/W/F. It will be interesting to see how this pans out, if my body can handle the five days in a row, and how our workouts measure up to what we've been doing until now.

W6D2 Operation: Unleash the MILF

Calories burned during 1:00:00 Zumba: 689
Calories burned during 0:56:00 training afterward: 582

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